Merciful 2
Merciful - Disc 2.iso
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Text File
1,688 lines
; $VER: Digita Datastore Installer Script 14/11/94
; English Language
; Works for Full version and Demonstration version
; This section contains the Text strings for translation and
; appending to the code
; Copyright (C) Digita International
; ### Variable declarations
(set #ProgName "Datastore")
(set #NumberInstallDisks 1)
(set #DSInstallDisk "DSInstall")
(set #NumNewDSDisks 2)
(set #DSDiskName "Datastore")
(set #DSFilesName "DS-Files")
(set #RamTempFile "RAM:DSTemp")
(set #RamUtils "RAM:DSUtils")
(set #HDSpaceNeededBytes (* (* 1 1024) 1024)) ;1MB free
(set #NumFonts 3)
(set #Font1Name "Condensed60.font")
(set #Font2Name "newtopaz.font")
(set #Font3Name "DGSansSerif.font")
(set #DriverDest "DEVS:Printers")
(set #DSToolDest (cat #DSDiskName ":Datastore"))
(set #HelpTool "HELP")
(set #DocsTool "DEFFILES")
(set #PicsTool "DEFPICTURES")
(set #LanguageTool "LANGUAGE")
; ### String declaration
;// Drawer names
(set #DSDrawerName "Datastore")
(set #DSHelpName "Help")
(set #DSDocsName "Databases")
(set #DSPicsName "Pictures")
(set #DSCatalogsName "Catalogs")
(set #DSFontsName "Fonts")
(set #LibsDefault "Libs")
(set #DataTypesDrawerName "DataTypes")
(set #ClassesDrawerName "Classes")
;// Archive Names
(set #ASLArchiveName "asl.lha")
(set #AmigaGuideArchiveName "Amigaguide.lha")
(set #ProgArchiveName "Datastore.lha")
(set #CatalogsArchiveName "Catalogs.lha")
(set #HelpArchiveName "Help.lha")
(set #DocsArchiveName "Databases.lha")
(set #PicsArchiveName "Pictures.lha")
(set #SystemFontsArchiveName "Fonts.lha")
(set #StartupArchiveName "startup.lha")
(set #MathLibsArchiveName "mathlibs.lha")
(set #DataTypesArchiveName "datatypes.lha")
(set #ClassesArchiveName "classes.lha")
(set #DataTypesLibArchiveName "datatypeslib.lha")
(set #DevicesArchiveName "Devices.lha")
;// File Names
(set #LibsSource (cat #DSInstallDisk ":libs"))
;// Message strings
(set #BadKick
(cat #ProgName " requires Workbench 2.04 or above to work correctly.")
(set #CheckStartup
(cat "\n\n\nPlease wait...\n\nThe installer is just checking your system.")
(set #DestChoicePrompt
(cat "\n\n\nWhere would you like to install " #ProgName "?")
(set #FloppyChoiceMsg
(cat "On floppy disks")
(set #HardDiskChoiceMsg
(cat "On a hard disk")
(set #DestChoiceHelp
(cat "\nSelect the radio button \"On a hard disk\" to "
"install " #ProgName " onto your hard disk.\n\n"
"Select the radio button \"On floppy disks\" to "
"install " #ProgName " onto a set of backup disks.\n\n\n"
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceMsg
(cat "Where do you want to install the\n" #ProgName " drawer?")
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceHelp
(cat "Select the drawer where you want to install " #ProgName
", then click Proceed (a new drawer titled \"" #DSDrawerName
"\" will be created and will contain the " #ProgName " program.)"
(set #NoDiskSpaceMsg1
(cat "\nThere is insufficient available space on your hard disk to install "
#ProgName ". You will need a minimum of "
(set #NoDiskSpaceMsg2
(cat "MB of free disk space.\n\nEither click \"Abort Install\" to exit this "
"installation and delete some files from your hard disk, or click \"Proceed\" and try a "
"different partition."
(set #DrawerExistsMsg
(cat "\nA drawer titled \"" #DSDrawerName "\" already exists in "
"the destination you have chosen.\n\nDo you wish to replace it "
"or choose a new destination?\n\n"
(set #DrawerExistsChoice1 "Replace it")
(set #DrawerExistsChoice2 "Choose new destination")
(set #DrawerExistsHelp
(cat "\nYou have chosen a destination drawer which already has \""
#DSDrawerName "\" installed there.\n\nClick \""
#DrawerExistsChoice1 "\" to replace the contents with this new version "
"of " #ProgName ".\nClick \"" #DrawerExistsChoice2 "\" to choose a "
"new destination drawer.\n\n"
"If you choose \"" #DrawerExistsChoice1 "\" then please make sure you "
"have back up copies of any documents you wish to keep."
(set #InstallChoice1 "Yes - Replace it")
(set #InstallChoice2 "No")
(set #OldASLLibraryMsg
(cat "You either do not have an ASL.library, or it is the wrong version. "
#ProgName " requires you have at least version 38 of this "
"library. Do you want to copy version 38 of the ASL.library?"
(set #OldASLLibraryHelp
(cat #ProgName " will not work properly unless you have at least version 38 "
"of the ASL.library (Workbench 2.1 or above).\n\n"
"Choose \"" #InstallChoice1 "\" to copy version 38 of the library "
"and then install " #ProgName ".\nChoose \"" #InstallChoice2 "\" to not install "
"ASL.library version 38."
(set #OldDiskFontLibraryMsg
(cat "You either do not have an DiskFont.library, or it is the wrong version. "
#ProgName " requires you have at least version 37 of this "
"library. Do you want to copy version 37 of the DiskFont.library?"
(set #OldDiskFontLibraryHelp
(cat #ProgName " will not work properly unless you have at least version 37 "
"of the DiskFont.library (Workbench 2.04 or above).\n\n"
"Choose \"" #InstallChoice1 "\" to copy version 37 of the library "
"and then install " #ProgName ".\nChoose \"" #InstallChoice2 "\" to not install "
"DiskFont.library version 37 and quit this installer."
(set #OldAmigaGuideLibraryMsg
(cat "You either do not have an AmigaGuide.library, or it is the wrong version. "
#ProgName " requires you have at least version 34.11 of this "
"library. Do you want to copy version 34.11 of the AmigaGuide.library?"
(set #OldAmigaGuideLibraryHelp
(cat #ProgName " will not work properly unless you have at least version 34.11 "
"of the AmigaGuide.library.\n\n"
"Choose \"" #InstallChoice1 "\" to copy version 34.11 of the library "
"and then install " #ProgName ".\nChoose \"" #InstallChoice2 "\" to not install "
"AmigaGuide.library version 34.11."
(set #OldLocaleLibraryMsg
(cat "You either do not have an Locale.library, or it is the wrong version. "
#ProgName " requires you have at least version 38 of this "
"library. Do you want to copy version 38 of the Locale.library?"
(set #OldLocaleLibraryHelp
(cat #ProgName " will not work properly unless you have at least version 38 "
"of the Locale.library (Workbench 2.1 or above).\n\n"
"Choose \"" #InstallChoice1 "\" to copy version 38 of the library "
"and then install " #ProgName ".\nChoose \"" #InstallChoice2 "\" to not install "
"Locale.library version 38."
(set #OldParseLibraryMsg
(cat "You either do not have an IffParse.library, or it is the wrong version. "
#ProgName " requires you have at least version 34 of this "
"library. Do you want to copy version 34 of the IffParse.library?"
(set #OldParseLibraryHelp
(cat #ProgName " will not work properly unless you have at least version 34 "
"of the IffParse.library (Workbench 1.3 or above).\n\n"
"Choose \"" #InstallChoice1 "\" to copy version 34 of the library "
"and then install " #ProgName ".\nChoose \"" #InstallChoice2 "\" to not install "
"IffParse.library version 34."
(set #InsertDiskMsg
(cat "\nPlease insert the disk labelled\n\n")
(set #diskhelp
(cat "\nIf you know that the correct disk is in the drive, but you still cannot proceed, "
"then the name of the disk is incorrect.\n"
"Ensure that the disk name is not preceded by 'copy_of_', or blank spaces before or after the disk name.\n\n\n" @askdisk-help
(set #Unpackmsg1 "Unarchiving ")
(set #Unpackmsg2 " to ")
(set #Unpackmsg3 "\n\nPlease wait...")
(set #ArchiveAbortMsg1
(cat "There was a problem when trying to dearchive '")
(set #ArchiveAbortMsg2
(cat "'. Please try installing to a different drawer or partition, "
"or contact Digita Technical Support."
(set #BlankDiskWarning
(cat "\nPlease insert a 'blank' disk in the internal\n"
"disk drive and click \"Proceed\" when ready."
"\n\nWARNING: This procedure will destroy all information "
"that may already be on the disk."
(set #FloppyWarningHelp
(cat "\nThis procedure uses the 'format' command to "
"wipe and prepare the disk in the internal disk drive "
"for use with Datastore."
"\n\nWrite-protect your master disks before making "
"backup copies and place the masters in a safe place."
"\n\nYou should also write-protect your backup disks "
"before clicking the \"Proceed\" button."
(set #NotBlankMsg1
(cat "\nYou have the \"")
(set #NotBlankMsg2
(cat "\" disk in your internal disk drive.\n\nPlease "
"replace this disk with a blank one, before "
"clicking the \"Proceed\" button."
(set #FormatWorkingMsg
(cat "Please wait... Formatting a disk.")
(set #FormatError
(cat "\nAn error occured when trying to format this disk.\n\n"
"Please ensure that the disk is in the disk drive "
"before you click the \"Proceed\" button or "
"put another disk in the drive and try again."
(set #FormatErrorHelp
(cat "\nAn error has occured during the formatting of "
"your disk. This could be for many reasons, but more "
"commonly, either the disk was corrupt or the drive was "
"faulty.\nPlease try a different disk, check the drive "
"and then if the problem persists, contact the Technical "
"Support Department. Information on how to get Support is "
"explained in the manual."
(set #FormatCompleteMsg1
(cat " created.\n\nPlease take out the disk "
"in the internal disk drive and label it \""
(set #FormatCompleteMsg2
(cat "\", then click the \"Proceed\" button.")
(set #FormatChoiceprompt
(cat "\n" #ProgName " needs to format and name two disks during installation. "
"For more information click 'Help'. Do you wish to:"
(set #FormatChoicemsg1 "Slow Format Some Blank Disks")
(set #FormatChoicemsg2 "Quick Format Some Blank Disks")
(set #FormatChoice-Help
(cat "This installation utility needs to prepare two disks before installing "
#ProgName ". Before each disk is created, it will be formatted and named. "
"\n\nChoose '" #FormatChoicemsg1 "' if you wish to perform a full format, or \nchoose "
"'" #FormatChoicemsg2 "' to perform a quick format on disks that must have been "
"previously formatted as Fast File System disks."
(set #FloppyFinishedMsg
(cat "\nAfter clicking the 'Proceed' button, place the \"" #DSDiskName
"\" disk in the internal disk drive and reset your Amiga.\n"
(set #WorkingMsg (cat "Please wait...\n\nInstalling " #ProgName))
(set #CreateDiskPrompt "\nDo you want to create\n\n")
(set #ChoiceContinue "Yes")
(set #ChoiceSkip "Skip this part")
(set #CreateDSDiskHelp
(cat "\nThe '" #DSDiskName "' disk contains all the "
#ProgName " program files. \n\nIf you would like to create a "
#DSDiskName " disk then click '" #ChoiceContinue "'.\nIf you do "
"not want to create this disk the click '" #ChoiceSkip "'."
(set #CreateFilesDiskHelp
(cat "\nThe '" #DSFilesName "' disk contains all the "
#ProgName " program files. \n\nIf you would like to create a "
#DSFilesName " disk then click '" #ChoiceContinue "'.\nIf you do "
"not want to create this disk the click '" #ChoiceSkip "'."
(set #AskLocaleCmd "Assign >NIL: LOCALE: RAM:")
(set #AskLocaleMsg
(cat "For " #ProgName " to work properly, an assign has to be added "
"to your `user-startup' script:\n\n`" #AskLocaleCmd "'\n\nClick "
"Proceed to continue."
(set #AskLocaleHelp
(cat "For the Date and Time functions to work properly, an assign "
"for LOCALE needs to be added to your startup scripts.\n\nClick "
"Proceed if you want the installer to do this automatically, or "
"click `Skip This Part' to not modify the user-startup."
; ### Procedure declarations
;// routine to get disk specified in '#FileSourceDisk'
(procedure @GetDisk
(prompt #InsertDiskMsg #FileSourceDisk)
(help #diskhelp)
(dest #FileSourceDisk)
;// Procedure to decompress file set in '#UnpackFile' to '#UnpackDest'
(procedure @UnpackFiles
(working #Unpackmsg1 #UnpackFile #Unpackmsg2 #UnpackDest #Unpackmsg3)
(set ExpandName #UnpackFile)
(set #ArchiveError 0)
(set RunLhx
(cat "DSUtils:Lhx -I -m e \"" ExpandName "\" \"" #UnpackDest "\"")
(set #ArchiveError (run RunLhx))
(if (> #ArchiveError 0)
(set #ArchiveAbortMsg (cat #ArchiveAbortMsg1 ExpandName #ArchiveAbortMsg2))
(abort #ArchiveAbortMsg)
;// Initial Checks
(procedure @InitialChecks
;// Check OS version
(working #CheckStartup)
(set #OSVerNum (getversion))
(set #OSVersion (/ #OSVerNum 65536))
(if (< #OSVersion 37)
(abort #BadKick)
(if (< #OSVersion 39) ; WB2.##
(set #InstallDataTypes "False")
(set #InstallDataTypes "True")
;// Create temp file in ram: for files
(if (not (exists #RamTempFile))
(makedir #RamTempFile (safe))
(makeassign "DSTemp" #RamTempFile (safe))
;// Create temp file in ram: for utils
(if (not (exists #RamUtils))
(makedir #RamUtils (safe))
(makeassign "DSUtils" #RamUtils (safe))
;// Set flag if novice user
(set #UserNovice 0)
(if (= @user-level 0)
(set #UserNovice 1)
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":Utils"))
(dest "DSUtils:")
(optional "nofail")
;// don't copy delete to DSUtils, as it is used to delete DSUtils!
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":c"))
(dest "Ram:")
(pattern "delete")
(optional "nofail")
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":System"))
(dest "DSUtils:")
(pattern "format")
(optional "nofail")
;// Check that ASL library if from WB 2.1 (if not replace)
(procedure @CheckASL
(set ASLVerNum (getversion (cat #LibsDefault ":ASL.library")))
(set ASLVer (/ ASLVerNum 65536))
(if (< ASLVer 38)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set InstallASLLibrary
(prompt #OldASLLibraryMsg)
(choices #InstallChoice1 #InstallChoice2)
(help #OldASLLibraryHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= InstallASLLibrary 1)
) ;endif
;// Procedure to install the asl library
(procedure @InstallASL
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #ASLArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #LibsDest)
(if (exists (cat #UnpackDest "asl.library"))
(delete (cat #UnpackDest "asl.library")
(optional "force")
;// Check that Locale library is from WB 2.1 (if not replace)
(procedure @CheckLocale
(set LocaleVerNum (getversion (cat #LibsDefault ":Locale.library")))
(set LocaleVer (/ LocaleVerNum 65536))
(if (< LocaleVer 38)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set InstallLocaleLibrary
(prompt #OldLocaleLibraryMsg)
(choices #InstallChoice1 #InstallChoice2)
(help #OldLocaleLibraryHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= InstallLocaleLibrary 1)
) ;endif
;// Procedure to install the locale library
(procedure @InstallLocale
(if (exists (cat #LibsDefault ":locale.library"))
(delete (cat #LibsDefault ":locale.library")
(optional "force")
(source #LibsSource)
(dest (cat #LibsDefault ":"))
(pattern "locale.library")
(optional "force")
;// Check that IFFParse library if from WB 1.3 (if not replace)
(procedure @CheckParse
(set ParseVerNum (getversion (cat #LibsDefault ":iffparse.library")))
(set ParseVer (/ ParseVerNum 65536))
(if (< ParseVer 34)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set InstallParseLibrary
(prompt #OldParseLibraryMsg)
(choices #InstallChoice1 #InstallChoice2)
(help #OldParseLibraryHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= InstallParseLibrary 1)
) ;endif
;// Procedure to install the iffparse library
(procedure @InstallParse
(if (exists (cat #LibsDefault ":iffparse.library"))
(delete (cat #LibsDefault ":iffparse.library")
(optional "force")
(source #LibsSource)
(dest (cat #LibsDefault ":"))
(pattern "iffparse.library")
(optional "force")
;// Check that diskfont library is at least WB 2.1 (if not replace)
(procedure @CheckDiskFont
(set DFVerNum (getversion (cat #LibsDefault ":diskfont.library")))
(set DFVer (/ DFVerNum 65536))
(if (< DFVer 37)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set InstallDiskFontLibrary
(prompt #OldDiskFontLibraryMsg)
(choices #InstallChoice1 #InstallChoice2)
(help #OldDiskFontLibraryHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= InstallDiskFontLibrary 1)
) ;end if
) ;end if
) ;endif
;// Procedure to install the diskfont library
(procedure @InstallDiskFont
(if (exists (cat #LibsDefault "diskfont.library"))
(delete (cat #LibsDefault "diskfont.library")
(optional "force")
(source #LibsSource)
(dest (cat #LibsDefault ":"))
(pattern "diskfont.library")
(optional "force")
;** Check that AmigaGuide library is at least version 34.11 (if not replace)
(procedure @CheckAmigaGuide
(set AGVerNum (getversion (cat #LibsDefault ":amigaguide.library")))
(set AGVer (/ AGVerNum 65536))
(set AGRev (- AGVerNum (* AGVer 65536)))
(if (< AGVer 35)
(if (< AGRev 11)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set InstallAmigaGuideLibrary
(prompt #OldAmigaGuideLibraryMsg)
(choices #InstallChoice1 #InstallChoice2)
(help #OldAmigaGuideLibraryHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= InstallAmigaGuideLibrary 1)
);end if
) ;end if (user-level)
) ;end if (revision)
) ;end if (version)
;// Procedure to install amigaguide library
(procedure @InstallAmigaGuide
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #AmigaGuideArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #LibsDest)
(if (exists (cat #UnpackDest "amigaguide.library"))
(delete (cat #UnpackDest "amigaguide.library")
(optional "force")
;// Procedure to unprotect screen fonts if already present
(procedure @UnProtectFonts
(set #Counter 0)
(while (< #Counter #NumFonts)
(set #FontName
(select #Counter
(set #CheckFont (tackon #SystemFontsDest #FontName))
(if (exists #CheckFont)
(protect #CheckFont "+r+w+e+d")
(set #Counter (+ #Counter 1))
;// Procedure to de-archive screen fonts
(procedure @DearchiveScreenFonts
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #SystemFontsArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #SystemFontsDest)
;// Install to HD or Floppy ?
(procedure @CheckHDorFloppy
;// Floppy or HD ?
(set #FullPath (expandpath "sys:"))
(if (= #FullPath (cat #DSInstallDisk ":"))
(set #DiskDefault 1)
(set #DiskDefault 0)
;** set novice user to expert briefly
(set #UserNovice 0)
(if (= @user-level 0)
(user 2)
(set #UserNovice 1)
(set #DestinationType
(prompt #DestChoicePrompt)
(choices #HardDiskChoiceMsg
(help #DestChoiceHelp)
(default #DiskDefault)
;** set novice user back to novice
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 0)
(if (= #DestinationType 0)
(set #DestinationType "Hard")
(set #DestinationType "Floppy")
;// Choose hard disk destination for datastore drawer
(procedure @ChooseHDDest
;** Find default drawer
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "Work" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "HD3" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "HD2" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "HD1" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "DH1" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "HD0" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest "DH0:")
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 2)
;** Ask for destination
(set #DestDrawer
(prompt #HardDiskDestChoiceMsg)
(help #HardDiskDestChoiceHelp)
(default #DefaultDest)
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 0)
;// Find HD Destination and check enough space
(procedure @FindHDDest
(set DSExists 0)
(while (= DSExists 0)
(while (< (getdiskspace #DestDrawer) #HDSpaceNeededBytes)
(if (< (getdiskspace #DestDrawer) #HDSpaceNeededBytes)
(if (= @user-level 0)
(user 2)
(set #UserNovice 1)
(message #NoDiskSpaceMsg1 (/ (/ #HDSpaceNeededBytes 1024) 1024) #NoDiskSpaceMsg2)
) ;end while
);end while
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 0)
;// Procedure to check if Datastore exists already in destination
;// Replace or choose again if so
(procedure @CheckExistsAlready
(if (exists (tackon #DestDrawer #DSDrawerName))
(set ChooseAgainAnswer
(prompt #DrawerExistsMsg)
(choices #DrawerExistsChoice1 #DrawerExistsChoice2)
(help #DrawerExistsHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= ChooseAgainAnswer 0)
(set DSExists 0)
(set DSExists 1)
(set DSExists 1)
;// Create Datastore drawers in chosen destination
(procedure @CreateDrawers
(working #WorkingMsg)
(set #InsideHDDest (tackon #DestDrawer #DSDrawerName))
;// Make the Datastore drawer
(makedir #InsideHDDest (infos))
;// Make the Help drawer
(set #HDHelpDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #DSHelpName))
(makedir #HDHelpDest)
;// Make the Docs drawer
(set #HDDocsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #DSDocsName))
(makedir #HDDocsDest (infos))
;// Make the Pics drawer
(set #HDPicsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #DSPicsName))
(makedir #HDPicsDest (infos))
;// Make the Catalogs drawer
(if (= @Language "deutsch")
(set #TempCatalogsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest @Language))
(makedir #TempCatalogsDest)
(set #HDCatalogsDest (tackon #TempCatalogsDest #DSCatalogsName))
(makedir #HDCatalogsDest)
(set #HDCatalogsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #DSCatalogsName))
;// set up hard drive destinations
(procedure @SetUpHDProgDests
(working #WorkingMsg)
(set #LibsDest (cat #LibsDefault ":"))
(set #ProgDest (cat #InsideHDDest "/"))
(set #ProgIcon (cat #ProgDest #ProgName))
(set #HelpDest (cat #HDHelpDest "/"))
(set #DocsDest (cat #HDDocsDest "/"))
(set #PicsDest (cat #HDPicsDest "/"))
(set #CatalogsDest (cat #HDCatalogsDest "/"))
(set #SystemFontsDest (cat "Sys:" #DSFontsName "/"))
;// set up floppy disk destinations
(procedure @SetUpFloppyProgDests
(set #ProgDest (cat #DSDiskName ":"))
(set #HelpDest (cat #DSFilesName ":" #DSHelpName "/"))
(set #DocsDest (cat #DSFilesName ":" #DSDocsName "/"))
(set #PicsDest (cat #DSDiskName ":" #DSPicsName "/"))
(set #CatalogsDest (cat #DSDiskName ":" #DSCatalogsName "/"))
(set #SystemFontsDest (cat #DSDiskName ":" #DSFontsName "/"))
(set #LibsDest (cat #DSDiskName ":Libs/"))
(set #DataTypesDest (cat #DSDiskName ":Devs/" #DataTypesDrawerName "/"))
(set #ClassesDest
(cat #DSDrawerName ":" #ClassesDrawerName "/" #DataTypesDrawerName "/")
;// Check to make sure that none of the Datastore disks
;// are in the internal drive before creating blank ones.
(procedure @CheckDisks
(set #NumberDisks (+ #NumberInstallDisks #NumNewDSDisks))
(set #DiskBlank 1)
(set n 0)
(until (OR (= n #NumberDisks) (= #DiskBlank 0))
(set #CheckDiskName
(select n
(if (= (getassign "df0" "d") (cat #CheckDiskName ":"))
( ;disk is not blank
(set #DiskBlank 0)
(set n (+ n 1))
;// Format and name the disk given in #FormatDiskName
(procedure @FormatDisk
(working #FormatWorkingMsg)
(if (= #FormatChoice 0)
(set #FormatCheck
(run ("DSUtils:Format drive=df0: name=%s FFS NOICONS" #FormatDiskName))
(set #FormatCheck
(run ("DSUtils:Format drive=df0: name=%s FFS QUICK NOICONS" #FormatDiskName))
(if (OR (> #FormatCheck 0) (< #FormatCheck 0))
(set #NoError 1)
(set #NoError 0)
(if (= #NoError 0)
(if (= #FormatDiskName #DSDiskName)
(run "DSUtils:Install2.1 df0:")
); endif
;// routine to check disk in drive ok and format it if so
(procedure @Makedisk
(set #NoError 1)
(while (= #NoError 1)
;** Make sure that the install disks are not in the drive
(run "DSUtils:Wait 6") ;Wait a bit for disk access to stop
(if (= #DiskBlank 0)
(message #NotBlankMsg1 #CheckDiskName #NotBlankMsg2)
(set #NoError 1)
(if (= #NoError 1)
(message #FormatError (help #FormatErrorHelp))
;// Create floppy disk 1
(procedure @CreateDisk1
;// Copy system files from install disk to Ram...
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":Libs"))
(dest "RAM:Libs")
(optional "force")
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":c"))
(dest "RAM:c")
(optional "force")
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":l"))
(dest "RAM:l")
(optional "force")
; (copyfiles
; (source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":system"))
; (dest "RAM:system")
; (all)
; (optional "force")
; )
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":Devs"))
(dest "RAM:Devs")
(optional "force")
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":prefs"))
(dest "RAM:prefs")
(optional "force")
(source (cat #DSInstallName ":Locale"))
(dest "RAM:Locale")
(optional "force")
;# Don't want the installer.catalog if German
(if (= @Language "deutsch")
(run "ram:delete RAM:Locale/Catalogs/Deutsch/sys/installer.catalog" (safe))
;// Now create the first disk
(message #BlankDiskWarning
(help #FloppyWarningHelp)
(set #FormatDiskName #DSDiskName)
;// Now copy all files from RAM to disk 1, then delete them.
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSDiskName)
(source "RAM:Libs")
(dest (cat #DSDiskName ":Libs"))
(optional "force")
(run "ram:delete RAM:Libs all" (safe))
(source "RAM:l")
(dest (cat #DSDiskName ":l"))
(optional "force")
(run "ram:delete RAM:l all" (safe))
(source "RAM:c")
(dest (cat #DSDiskName ":c"))
(optional "force")
(run "ram:delete RAM:c all" (safe))
; (copyfiles
; (source "RAM:system")
; (dest (cat #DSDiskName ":system"))
; (all)
; (optional "force")
; )
; (run "ram:delete RAM:system all" (safe))
(source "RAM:Devs")
(dest (cat #DSDiskName ":Devs"))
(optional "force")
(run "ram:delete RAM:Devs all" (safe))
(source "RAM:prefs")
(dest (cat #DSDiskName ":prefs"))
(optional "force")
(run "ram:delete RAM:prefs all" (safe))
(source "RAM:Locale")
(dest (cat #DSDiskName ":Locale"))
(optional "force")
(run "ram:delete RAM:Locale all" (safe))
;## Now install other devices
;## DISK SWAP to get rest of archives
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSInstallDisk)
;// ... some archives...
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":Archive"))
(dest "DSTemp:")
(pattern ("~(Datastore.lha|Pictures.lha|Databases.lha|Help.lha)"))
(optional "force")
;## DISK SWAP back again to dearchive to disk
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSDiskName)
(makedir (cat #DSDiskName ":" #DSPicsName) (infos))
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #DevicesArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest (cat #DSDiskName ":Devs/"))
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #DevicesArchiveName) (safe))
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #SystemFontsArchiveName) (safe))
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #ASLArchiveName) (safe))
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #AmigaGuideArchiveName) (safe))
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #MathLibsArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest (cat #DSDiskName ":Libs/"))
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #MathLibsArchiveName) (safe))
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #StartupArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest (cat #DSDiskName ":S/"))
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #StartupArchiveName) (safe))
(if (= @Language "deutsch")
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #CatalogsArchiveName) (safe))
(if (= #InstallDataTypes "True")
;// Install Datatypes...
(makedir (cat #DSDiskName ":Devs/" #DataTypesDrawerName))
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #DataTypesArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #DataTypesDest)
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #DataTypesArchiveName) (safe))
(if (= #InstallDataTypes "True")
;// Install Datatypes Library...
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #DataTypesLibArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest (cat #DSDiskName ":Libs/"))
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #DataTypesLibArchiveName) (safe))
(if (= #InstallDataTypes "True")
;// Install Datatypes Classes...
(makedir (cat #DSDrawerName ":" #ClassesDrawerName))
(cat #DSDrawerName ":" #ClassesDrawerName "/" #DataTypesDrawerName)
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #ClassesArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #ClassesDest)
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #ClassesArchiveName) (safe))
;## DISK SWAP to get rest of archives
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSInstallDisk)
;// ... some archives...
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":Archive"))
(dest "DSTemp:")
(pattern ("(Datastore.lha|Pictures.lha)"))
(optional "force")
;## DISK SWAP back again to dearchive to disk
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSDiskName)
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #PicsArchiveName) (safe))
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #ProgArchiveName) (safe))
(dest #DSToolDest)
(setstack 15000)
(dest #DSToolDest)
(settooltype #LanguageTool @Language)
(dest #DSToolDest)
(settooltype #DocsTool #DocsDest)
(dest #DSToolDest)
(settooltype #PicsTool #PicsDest)
(dest #DSToolDest)
(settooltype #HelpTool #HelpDest)
;// Create floppy disk 2
(procedure @CreateDisk2
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSInstallDisk)
(source (cat #DSInstallDisk ":Archive"))
(dest "DSTemp:")
(pattern ("(Databases.lha|Help.lha)"))
(optional "force")
;// Now create the second disk
(message #BlankDiskWarning
(help #FloppyWarningHelp)
(set #FormatDiskName #DSFilesName)
;// Create the drawers with icons.
(makedir (cat #DSFilesName ":" #DSDocsName) (infos))
;// Now copy all files from RAM to disk 2, then delete them.
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSFilesName)
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #DocsArchiveName) (safe))
(run (cat "ram:delete " #ArchiveLocation #HelpArchiveName) (safe))
;// Install program files
(procedure @InstallProg
(working #WorkingMsg)
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #ProgArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #ProgDest)
;// Install help files
(procedure @InstallHelp
(working #WorkingMsg)
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #HelpArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #HelpDest)
;// Install templates
(procedure @InstallTemplates
(working #WorkingMsg)
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #DocsArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #DocsDest)
;// Install pictures
(procedure @InstallPictures
(working #WorkingMsg)
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #PicsArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #PicsDest)
;// Install Catalogs
(procedure @InstallCatalogs
(working #WorkingMsg)
(set #UnpackFile (cat #ArchiveLocation #CatalogsArchiveName))
(set #UnpackDest #CatalogsDest)
;// Routine to install printer and fonts
(procedure @AddNewPrinter
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSInstallDisk)
;// Delete all in DSTemp: first...
(run (cat "ram:delete DSTemp:#?" ) (safe))
(set #ChosenDriver "Generic")
(set #DriverSource (cat #DSInstallDisk ":Drivers"))
(if (= #DestinationType "Floppy")
(set #DriverDest (cat #DSDiskName ":Devs/Printers"))
(set #DriverDest "DEVS:Printers")
(set #CheckGeneric (cat #DriverDest "/" #ChosenDriver))
(if (exists #CheckGeneric)
(protect #CheckGeneric "+r+w+e+d")
;// Select printer (or driver) from list...
(working #WorkingMsg)
(set #SelectPrt
(cat "DSUtils:select DSUtils:DSPrinterList")
(run #SelectPrt (safe))
(set #ChosenDriver (getenv "wwDriver"))
(working #WorkingMsg)
;// driver chosen so copy it to ram...
(source #DriverSource)
(dest #RamTempFile)
(pattern #ChosenDriver)
(optional "force")
;// Now decompress Driver 'ChosenDriver' to destination '#RamTempFile'...
(set #UnpackFile (tackon #RamTempFile #ChosenDriver))
(set #UnpackDest "DSTemp:")
(delete #UnpackFile)
;// get full uncompressed driver name...
(run "c:List " #RamTempFile " LFORMAT %s >ENV:wwDriver")
(set Driver (getenv "wwDriver"))
(set DriverLen (strlen Driver))
(set DriverLen (- DriverLen 1))
(set #ChosenDriver
(substr Driver 0 DriverLen)
;// finally, copy driver to driver destination...
(if (= #DestinationType "Floppy")
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSDiskName)
(source #RamTempFile)
(dest #DriverDest)
(pattern #ChosenDriver)
(optional "force")
;// Delete any files from Ram and temporary Ram Drawer
(procedure @CleanUp
(working #WorkingMsg)
(makeassign "DSTemp" (safe))
(if (exists #RamTempFile)
(set DeleteDrawer (cat "ram:delete " #RamTempFile " all force"))
(Run DeleteDrawer)
(makeassign "DSUtils" (safe))
(if (exists #RamUtils)
(set DeleteDrawer (cat "ram:delete " #RamUtils " all force"))
(Run DeleteDrawer)
(delete "Ram:delete"
(optional "force")
; ### Main
(@InitialChecks) ;// Copies relevent files to ram also
(if (= #DestinationType "Hard")
;// HD
(set #ArchiveLocation (cat #DSInstallDisk ":Archive/"))
(set #FileSourceDisk #DSInstallDisk)
;## if WB2.0 and on Hard disk
(if (= #OSVersion 37)
(if (<> (getassign "LOCALE" "a") "")
;no assign, so assign Locale to RAM:
(startup #ProgName
(prompt #AskLocaleMsg)
(help #AskLocaleHelp)
(command #AskLocaleCmd)
(set @default-dest #DestDrawer)
(if (= @Language "deutsch")
(dest #ProgIcon)
(setstack 15000)
(dest #ProgIcon)
(settooltype #LanguageTool @Language)
(set DisabledHelp (cat ";" #HelpTool))
(dest #ProgIcon)
(settooltype DisabledHelp (cat #DSHelpName "/"))
(set DisabledDocs (cat ";" #DocsTool))
(dest #ProgIcon)
(settooltype DisabledDocs (cat #DSDocsName "/"))
(set DisabledPics (cat ";" #PicsTool))
(dest #ProgIcon)
(settooltype DisabledPics (cat #DSPicsName "/"))
;// Floppy
(set #ArchiveLocation "DSTemp:")
(if (>= @user-level 2) ;expert only
(set #FormatChoice
(prompt #FormatChoiceprompt)
(choices #FormatChoicemsg1 #FormatChoicemsg2)
(help #FormatChoice-help)
(default 0)
(if (= @user-level 0)
(user 2)
(set #UserNovice 1)
;// if not novice then check user wants to create disk 1
(if (< #UserNovice 1)
(set #CreateDiskChoice
(prompt (cat #CreateDiskPrompt #DSDiskName))
(choices #ChoiceContinue #ChoiceSkip)
(help #CreateDSDiskHelp)
(default 1)
(set #CreateDiskChoice 1)
(if (= #CreateDiskChoice 1)
;// if not novice then check user wants to create disk 2
(if (< #UserNovice 1)
(set #CreateDiskChoice
(prompt (cat #CreateDiskPrompt #DSFilesName))
(choices #ChoiceContinue #ChoiceSkip)
(help #CreateFilesDiskHelp)
(default 1)
(set #CreateDiskChoice 1)
(if (= #CreateDiskChoice 1)
(if (= @user-level 0)
(user 0)
(set @default-dest "")
(if (= #DestinationType "Hard")
(exit #FloppyFinishedMsg)